About us

We are a leading consultancy firm in the definition and implementation of strategies to combat climate change, sustainability and ESG.

As consultants we think strategically and integratedly and are pragmatic and concrete to offer our clients measurable results, lasting strategies and satisfaction.
We collaborate with national and international companies and institutions to integrate strategies for reducing their impact on climate change and sustainability into strategic and operational plans, reconciling social and environmental responsibility with economic performance and positive impact.

Our sustainability mapping methodology, in accordance with ESG principles, allows us to identify areas of excellence and challenges, defining commitments for sustainable growth.

The experience of the Kickster team in diversified sectors and in innovative projects, our commitment to spreading greater culture and knowledge of the sector have made us one of the most successful consultancy companies on the international scene, with a turnover of over €15 million. (2020 data).



We offer an integrated approach for managing current and future compliance relating to obligations deriving from European energy and climate policies. We are involved in numerous strategic projects for decarbonization and energy transition, as well as for the development of programs in line with the Green Deal and the PNRR.


We take part in numerous development projects for both companies and bodies and institutions which are based on innovation, sustainability and cooperation between the parties.

Sustainable development must be interpreted as an opportunity for the various economic operators: the creation of a medium-long term vision and the economic challenges are analyzed for an active process of transformation and adaptation in order to generate value and resilience.


Years experience in climate policies



Pietro Valaguzza

After graduating in Political Economy from Bocconi University and spending a few years abroad, I started my business in the field of energy and the environment. From 2007 to today I have gained experience in the world of European climate and sustainability policies, with particular
specialization on the topics of carbon markets, energy efficiency, energy production from renewable sources and ESG performance.

I was included among the green entrepreneurial excellences in the book “Green Economy 2.0”.

I am an expert in European energy and climate policy, markets and financial instruments and am passionate about innovation and sustainability.

Over the years he has created several entrepreneurial projects related to green.

Furthermore, I am a member of the WEMC (World Energy & Meteorology Council), of ISSP (International Society of Sustainability Professional) and of EAPPP (European Association of Public-Private Partnership) and of the Advisory Board of the ESG Department of the State University of Milan.

was also recently appointed Ambassador of the European Climate Pact. My consultancy activity concerns policies to fight and adapt to climate change both for international institutions and for companies operating in various sectors, in particular energy-intensive ones.

I am an accredited consultant for EBRD (GET-Registry), ADB, RCREE and an accredited expert for EAA.

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Ramona Caria

I graduated in International Trade and European Integration at the State University of Milan, and almost immediately started working on climate and energy policies in 2013, providing consultancy and managing energy-environmental portfolios of over 500 Italian companies subject to the obligations deriving from the EU ETS legislation.

I have collaborated with the major Italian utilities in the context of energy efficiency and energy production projects from renewable sources, also dealing with tenders for the awarding of concessions for the gas distribution service.

Always passionate about researching solutions and products to mitigate the effects of climate change, I have developed a strong interest in the green transition and the circular
economy, promoting more resilient consumption models.

I am responsible for developing tailor-made competitive sustainability strategies, in synergy with company policies and mission, providing implementable procedures.

I am responsible for developing tailor-made competitive sustainability strategies, in synergy with company policies and mission, providing implementable procedures.

I coordinate the analysis activity of the Kickster ESG team.

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Filippo Banfichi

In the early eighties I began my professional career in a leading Italian company in the cement sector, dealing with technical investments and energy and greenhouse gases.

In 2012 I instead decided to become an energy and sustainability consultant.

am certified by AICQ SICEV and accredited according to the UNI CEI 11339:2009 standard as an Energy Management Expert (EGE) for compliance pursuant to art. 12, paragraph 1, of the Legislative Decree. 4 July 2014, n. 102. 102.

I carry out the function of Energy and GHG (Emission Trading) Manager (external) for obliged and non-obligated Industrial Companies.

I collaborate with Public Administrations for the efficient management of energy resources.

have gained experience in ESG issues thanks to specific activities in the energy management area and I participate in various working groups on the topics of the GHG Protocol and ESG.

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Anastasios Chimarios

Climate change consultant

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Francesca Andreini

I am part of Kickster’s ESG analysis team and am an expert in sustainability reporting in line with international standards.

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Giacomo Bucci

I deal with technical consultancy for financial institutions and bodies.

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Leonidas Rachavelias

Technical/ Sustainability Consultant

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Kickster S.r.l.

Piazza E. Duse 1
20122 Milano (Mi)
+39 0287178051

Kickster Hellas

2nd Merarchias 11
18535 Piraeus
+39 0287178051


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